The financial condition of a company is often considered the best measure of a fimr's competitive position and overall attractiveness to investors.


Realistic scenario
It is expected for the first year sales for a total amount of $14.400.000 COP distributed in the following plans, indicating the number of customers per year: 3 Basic plans per month, Each coach is responsible to participate on investigating into new methods of exercises and training drills to expedite the results of customers, is necessary to have 1 nutritionist and 1 trainer for the whole customers.
By the increasing number of customers interested in this kind of service is important to make our company more attractive for them, so for the next years´ plans it will be fundamental to create a budget for a kind of research of new habits and exercises that captures the interest of the customers, it not necessary to add a new area to the organization but investigate and invest more in how to capture new possible customers. We will add new MIS in order to enhance our competitive advantages.
Optimistic scenario
It is expected for the first year sales for a total of $ 24,900,000 COP distributed in the following plans, indicating the number of customers per year: 15 basic, 18 intense, 10 physical training alone 3 times per week, 7 alone physical training 5 times per week, 5 nutritional diet, with a total of 55 regular customers at the end of the year. For this reason will require 8 coaches to meet the needs of customers with an accuracy of 6 classes per day from 6am -8pm. Each coach is responsible to participate on investigating into new methods of exercises and training drills to expedite the results of customers. It will also be necessary for Healthy Style has a total of 4 nutritionists, of which 1 of them will be charged with being part of the team of R & D for investigating new recipes to help clients' health and possible diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, among others.
On the other hand, it will officially established new and existing functional areas with their respective managers, finance and accounting, research and Development to be financed with 3% of sales, management, production / operations, and marketing.
By increasing customers secretarial services will be needed, so we have to hire another secretary that will do the same roles as the first one. For this reason there will be needed to have a new facility with bigger space for clients, it will remain with the same distribution, a bathroom, space for secretaries and medical office.
Pesimistic scenario
For the first year it is expected that after the first 6 months we did not have new customers, an average of 6 clients per month is maintained, and that they do not pay on time the acquired plans. For this reason we would be forced to keep our organizational structure in the same way, without seeing any growth in any area, and shortcomings quite large in the General Manager, which has had to be replaced more than once throughout the year, adversely affecting the organizational culture of Healthy Style, since each manager has different objectives and methods.
Realistic scenario
It is expected for the second year sales for a total amount of $28.700.000 COP distributed in the following plans, indicating the number of customers per year: 7 Basic plans, 5 intense packs, 8 physical training alone 3 times per week, 7 alone physical training alone and 10 diet plan (each per month), Each coach is responsible to participate on investigating into new methods of exercises and training drills to expedite the results of customers, is necessary to have at least 2 nutritionist and 2 trainers for the whole customers. The amount of customers is increasing thanks to the investment on the budget for the investigation of new methods and the knowledge of our employees, in order to be able to satisfy our clients we need to acquire new medical equipment such as one more litter for the assessment of the new customers and the tracking of the old customers.
Optimistic scenario
For the second year is expected $ 43,400,000 COP sales distributed with the following plans: 22 basic, 40 intense, 12 alone physical training 5 times per week, 10 alone physical training 3 times a week, and 6 only nutritional diet, with total of 84 regular customers at the end of the year. For this situation the physical training team will increase up to 14 employees be needed to meet the needs of customers with an intensity of 6 sessions per week. This year a coach will be in charge of being the leader of the group and will be the only in participating on R&D programs seeking more recreational sports series and avoiding routines. In addition, the team of nutritionists will increase to 7 employees, of which 3 of them will be partakers of equipment R & D which will have an alliance in a laboratory for finding food and natural products for health problems related to poor eating habits, also will be sent to training and nutrition national events, the R & D budget will be 4% of sales.
By increasing staff and customer flow for care and evaluating them within the premises of Healthy Style it will take into account that the main office will be located in a more convenient and accessible place for customers and users of our service facilities in better condition and size distribution of spaces. It is planned to be in a location in northern Bogota distributed as follows: 2 bathrooms, two doctors' offices, main reception where secretaries will meet, and two offices to locate the managers of each functional area. It is also necessary to double our inventory.
It is expected on the other hand we will start on creating an application for any electronic and technological device like tablets and smartphones, in which customers will have access to the plan to which they are enrolled.
Pesimistic scenario
Is not expected to have any sales throughout the year, meaning that we have no clients nor old nor new, so that we have losses, since throughout the year Healthy Style worked regularly, so monthly charges will be the same. The organization will have to reduce staff, firing the sellers, marketing manager and general manager since neither met the expectations to generate more sales, and without being us the best and first choice for university students to improve their lifestyles.
Realistic scenario
It is expected for the third year, to have a sales of $45’700.500. COP distributed in the following plans, indicating the number of customers per year: 10 Basic plans, 9 intense packs, 11 physical training alone 3 times per week, 9 alone physical training alone and 13 diet plan (each per month), Each coach is responsible to participate on investigating into new methods of exercises and training drills to expedite the results of customers, is necessary to have at least 4 nutritionist and 5 trainers for the whole customers. The amount of customers is increasing thanks to the investment on the budget for the investigation of new methods and the knowledge of our employees, in order to be able to satisfy our clients we need to use an amount of the final saves. We will use a budget of 4% to be invest on the R&D, marketing and MIS. Also we will start working on the planning for developing new ways of take care of our customers, by that we want to spend in medical resources for our customers.
Optimistic scenario
It is expected to have ready the application. It consists that each one of the customers will be able to access to the platform and have a personal account. Clients will be able to create a profile with its personal information, necessities, and medical information such as blood type, diseases, and laboratory test results. They will also have a detailed description of physical training to follow, with their respective diet. (This information depends on each customer).
For the third year of operation Style Healthy sales of $ 60,750,000 COP distributed as follows packages will be expected by 35 basic, 50 intense, 10 alone physical training 3 times per week, 20 alone physical training 5 times per week, 15 alone diet nutrition, with a total of 130 regular customers at the end of the year. To meet the needs of customers 19 coaches are required, of which two of them will be participating R &D team, additionally there will be 9 nutritionist of which 4 of them will be part of the of R&D, to establish new nutritional plans , is expected in the third year, having foodstuffs or own recipes to help students improve their metabolism and health, for this activity will be necessary change the principal office to a larger space in which it is possible to have our own laboratory investigations. Furthermore, this place will own sufficient capacity to serve up to 20 people at once, 3 bathrooms, 3 spaces for doctor's office. For this situation will require cleaning staff on site, at least 2 persons in charge of cleaning service in the office.
In the future we would like to have some alliances with food places such as restaurants or special food stores that can help the costumer to have a nice diet.
Pesimistic scenario
We can expect that customers in previous years will be gone, without a single sale, leaving the company without cash or equity, nor with any financial loan facility to keep operating the organization. On the other hand, with an effort to make a market study, it has been found that college students have no interest in accessing physical and nutritional delivery service. For this reason Healthy Style would be forced to close doors permanently, so we would have to dismiss all staff who was involved with the organization, and would leave the founders of the company without any return of capital.