We understand planning as the process by which we determine how we are going to develop managerial activities, how are we going to prepare for the future or for uncertainty, setting goals, establishing objectives. Planning is the start of the process an individual (or a business) accomplishes achievements.
In this section we will make an estimate of what will be our demand in the future, we will use as a source for that net income they will be estimated from expected sales and the initial investment, as well as to determine its future viability.
The estimate is made by qualitative and quantitative factors. Quantitative: based on historical sales data already available; in the case of our organization factors such as changes in the market, industry and economic context of the last decade, leave our organization as one of those with more future entrepreneurs in the country to Sthephen Bruner, marketing manager Precor multinational dedicated to the design and manufacture of such equipment in Colombia this industry is rapidly growing, even more than in the rest of Latin America[1], also engages in an economic context that accelerates because this industry is a good income for the Colombian industry, this market has about 1,300 health centers and gyms that produce more than US $ 220 million a year . the other factors used to the forecast are cualititativos. as subjective assessments of all those who make up the company who have had some contact with the end consumer , this assessment assigns numerical values to statements or comments, we the be an emerging market we must be guided by the external context that just throws us data from our environment, as previously mentioned this market has a long range of people willing to get involved in this issue, figures that can support and that also , the sector's growth in the world, is 25 percent per year, including spa and beauty centers[2]. To have these data we estimate that our demand will generate sufficient income to cover needs, as at the beginning there is a speculated margin money, must take into account figures which can rotate around a growth of 20% per month, with the cost and clearly with the participation of at least 10 clients.
Setting goals or establishing objectives are based on a foundation or actual premise. For us as a company, this represents a goal characterized by a period of time, and specific and measurable achievements compared to a previous similar period. It is important that all the staff knows and understands the organization and its role in it so it can know how to help Healthy Style achieve its goals.
- Being the market leader in health and sport.
- Increase sales and revenue.
- Achieving greater market share.
- Being a leading brand in the market.
- Being a recognized brand in the market.
- Achieving greater market share of 20% through social media advertising.
- Start with greater than or equal to $ 10`000.000 in sales, being intended that based on this, should increase by 5% per year (through contacting new customers, diversify service options, attract new markets, etc).
- Get an annual return of 25%
- Produce an annual return of 14% on investment.
- Tripling production before the end of the period.
- Open a second shop during the first year.
- Evaluate and make monthly monitoring by having meetings with all functional areas to ensure that the objectives are met.
The strategies we implemented in our organization will explicitly cover our objectives, as well to be distinguished with the competition, positioning our brand as one of the best options for fitness and healthcare. For those reasons, we elaborated organizational strategies such as:
- Competition on the basis of costs, offering our services at the lowest market price.
- Enter the market with the idea of entering a new product unrelated to the current ones in the market, as well as characterized by offering innovative services in conformity with the current context.
- Focus on a specific market (college students in Bogotá), in order to specialize in it and achieve greater efficiency.
- Locate ourselves in an area with easy access and good availability.
- Manage to be appealing to young people who like taking care of their body and/or are looking towards having a healthier lifestyle.
1) Employees must be on time for work.
2) Meet the schedule stablished with customers: arrive on time for the training sessions and be able to work when the customer needs.
3) Dress code for trainers and nutritionists.
a. Comfortable sportswear provided by the company and with the logos of the company.
b. Bags with the logo of Healthy Lifestyle where they can carry the utensils.
c. Nutritionists must wear a special uniform provided by the company.
4) All employees are treated equally.
5) Trainers must be trained frequently in order to offer a better service to our customers.
1) Customers must fill-up a form in order to meet them and have knowledge of their diseases, allergies, weight, height, etc. all that with the aim of create their personal treatment.
2) Customers will pay the service before this is given.
Organizing could be defined as achieving coordinated effort through the asignation of tasks and authority relationships (who does what, and who reports to whom).
Coordination is the unification, integration, synchronization of the efforts of group members so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common goals. It is a hidden force which binds all the other functions of management.
Planning facilitates coordination by integrating the various plans through mutual discussion, exchange of ideas.
Money considers coordination as the very essence of organizing. In fact when a manager groups and assigns various activities to subordinates, and when he creates department’s co-ordination uppermost in his mind.
A manager should bear in mind that the right no. of personnel in various positions with right type of education and skills are taken which will ensure right men on the right job.
The purpose of giving orders, instructions & guidance to the subordinates is served only when there is a harmony between superiors & subordinates.
Manager ensures that there should be co-ordination between actual performance & standard performance to achieve organizational goals.
The board of directors is conformed by the owners of the company, we are going to be controlling what is happening within the organization, as well we are in charge of the different areas of the organization, the general manager should be able to manage the work of five employees and coordinate everything, the marketing and sales manager works by the hand and directly with customers, this is the connection between them and the general manager, should work well with the two employees down this area.
The unity of command is visually reflected in the organizational structure of an organization, it is that there is a supervisor for each employee and each employee responds to a single supervisor. This helps companies to have greater control of information and processes, facilitating work. [3]
For our company, the board of directors is superior to the general manager; this is our first communication channel. Our second communication channel is between the secretary and the general manager, the next channel is between the general manager and coaches, and the fourth channel is between the counter as an external agent and financial manager. And the last channel is between the coaches and the nutritionists.
[1] Elespectadorcom. (2015). ElEspectador. Retrieved 4 March, 2016, from http://www.elespectador.com/noticias/salud/industria-fitness-pisa-fuerte-articulo-517895
[2] Casa editorial el tiempo. (2014). El Tiempo. Retrieved 4 March, 2016, from http://www.eltiempo.com/economia/sectores/crecimiento-de-los-gimnasios-en-colombia/16125076

Motivating involves effors directed toward shaping human behavior. Specific topics include leadership, communication, work groups, behavior modification, delegation of authority, job enrichment, job satisfaction, needs fulfillment, organizational change, emplyee morale and managerial moral.
In our organization we care about the welfare of our employees, therefore we give them a workspace healthy, so they encourage their individual values ​​within the organization, also made sure to recognize outstanding workers, giving them a timely recognition among others for the employee to promote both their personal and professional development, and also to perform best activity for which it was selected.
In addition to complying with minimum wage standards imposed by local laws, our company has adapted a system of competitive compensation, applying to mandatory security benefits and social assistance, this series of bonuses is measured by job performance and the realization of the planned activities.
We also offer a flexible schedule so that employees can have their time to increase their quality of life and job quality, in order to have a more pleasant work environment. Besides this, we offer the greatest autonomy for our employees to give them greater flexibility in carrying out its tasks
Also consider interest in his personal life, we offer meetings and activities with other employees, to have more confidence and promote cooperation, in order to achieve total dedication.
Staffing activities are centered on personneil or human resoruce management. Included are wage and salary administration, employee benefits, interviwing, hiring, firing, training, management development, emplyee safety, afirmative action, equal employement opportunity, union relations, career development, personeil research, descipline policies, grievance, procedures, and public relations.
1. Convene or publish what employees are needed with the knowledge from the job description, the publication can be done by social networks, and maybe in the newspaper, and paste ads in known places.
2. Receive C.V. and start investigating if the data provided is true (background check), if they have a criminal past, call the references found in the resume, and also investigate whether the studies were made in the institutions.
3. Make a pre-selection of potential candidates, call and ask to ensure that the studies and working experiences are real.
4. Interview and again make a selection of those who pass the interview.
5. The secretary will be tested to know if she/he knows how to handle the office package, coaches and nutritionists will be tested with real cases of different conditions and needs that may present patients and will be evaluated by experts, both the secretary and coaches and nutritionists are those who have more contact with customers, so they will be asked to provide proof that they have some knowledge of first aid.
6. Make the selection of those who have passed the test and start doing the hiring process
7. Call the selected to acknowledge them with the terms of the contract and sign
Controlling refers to all those managerial activities directed toward ensuring that actual resource are consistent with planned results. Key areas of concern includ quality control, financial control, sales control, inventory control, expense control, analysis of variances, rewards and sanctions.
This is necessary to run up the business in a strength way, so is an obligation to have control over every matter within the organization.
In a financial way the managers of the company must make a report of every single transaction inside their areas, monthly the general manager must meet with the managers and employees to discuss about the productivity in every area, this is going to be done every month in order to compare with the last one so as not to allow the managers and employees down the effectiveness in their obligations.
Everyone within the organization should be working on the side-lines of the policies of the company, this with the aim of maintain the identity of the company and the culture that recognize us.
In order to measure the satisfaction of our customers with the service that we offer, the company is making an online survey every month thus the company will gain information and can be used as an index of customer perception and productivity of our employees.
Sanctions: every employee and manager should work well, developing a high quality service so the customer be comfortable with our work, thus in case of complaints and claims about one of the employees or managers they will receive memo indicating their faults, if the employee reaches the total amount of three memos will lose the job.