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A mission is the purpose that an organization has, or better known the reason of being.

For many firms their mission rather than providing a solution to a problem, creates a need.


But for us, our mission is "to contribute to improve the lifestyles of Bogotá's university community (1) in a responsible and committed way (6), through a counseling service of sports and nutrition (2), unique and personalized advice, taking into account the objectives and needs of each client (7). Successfully performed by our trainers, for the sake and health of the community (8); using alternative resources while helping the environment (4)."

Evaluation matrix of mission statement


  1. Customers: the students of the university community of Bogotá.

  2. Products or services: we offer unique and personalised sports and nutrition counseling service, taking into account our customers' necessities.

  3. Markets: we compete in Bogotá, Colombia.

  4. Technology: the firm's services do not require much technology.

  5. Concern for survival, growth, and profitability: even though our company wants to grow, we are more interested in our clients' needs.

  6. Philosophy: we are responsible and committed by giving the best treatment for each customer.

  7. Self-concept: what is the customer looking for, what makes us different to other services of this kind, is that we want to make the most personalized as possible nutritional treatments and trainings, giving the costumer a high quality service, from the very first moment which is the general exams until the personalized sessions that our experts trainers are ready to give.

  8. Concern for public image: Healthy Style has an important responsive to social, our first aim is to promote a healthy lifestyle in the young community, in order to show them healthier ways to spend their free time.  

  9. Concern for employees: our employees are the most important asset for Healthy Style, we need their expertise and knowledge in nutrition and training, and in the more motivate and prepare they are, the more customers will feel attract by the benefits of Healthy Style.













© 2023 Rincón Creativo. Orgullosamente hecho con |   Av. Los Rosales 122, 28021, Madrid.

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