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What are social, cultural, demographic, and natural environment forces?

Organizations in every industry are affected by the social, cultural, demographics and natural environment forces, they are changing every while and the organizations should be ready to adapt to this changes because social forces show to the organizations what are the consumer preferences and how do they accept the offered service or product, in a new market is necessary to understand this forces in order to gain a competitive advantage, some of the social forces that affects our industry are



This variable gives the average number of children that would be born per woman if all women lived to the end of their childbearing years and give a light Mandated by Fertility Rate Average. The total fertility rate is a measure more directly the level of fertility than the crude birth rate, since it refers to births per woman. This indicator shows the potential for population changes in the country.














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According to El Tiempo …”This way it is showed by numbers of Superintendencia de notariado y registro, which adds that the civil weddings also increased reaching the number of 24.206, one increase of 1,36 per cent compared with identical period of the previous year, when 23.881 were registered”… In addition …“The cities that brought major quantity of more civil weddings were Bogota, with 3.839; Medellin 1.591, and Cali 1.522. These three represent 28,72 per cent of the civil weddings of the country”….

























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The vital records are constant statistics that gather information about births, foetal and not foetal deaths, which allow to rely on information that it reveals the changes happened in the levels and bosses of mortality and fecundity, providing a dynamic vision of the population, as complement to the static approach that the censuses provide.


















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This variable includes the number corresponding to the difference between the number of persons who enter and go out of a country during the year for every 1000 inhabitants. People excess if that they enter to the country is known as the clear immigration. People excess if that they leave the country is known as the clear emigration. The clear rate of migration indicates the contribution of the migration to the total level of demographic changes.

















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This variable contains the average number of years of life for a group of persons born in the same year, if the mortality for every age is kept constant in the future. The entry includes the masculine and feminine total of the population, as well as the components. The life expectancy on having been born is also a general measure of the quality of life in a country and summarizes the rate of mortality for all the ages. Also it can be thought as an indicator of the rate of potential return of the investment about the human capital and is necessary for the actuarial calculation of diverse measures.














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According to a study made by euromonitor international, in Colombia the top five consumer trends are, rising middle class driving changes in spending habits, falling crime impacting consumer behavior, income equality declining, consumers of all ages embrace technology and demand for healthier and organic products rising; the study says that Colombia put more attention to their bodies and health, as a consequence Colombians are spending more in organic food, sports and energy drinks, the demand for dietary supplements and vitamins is rising but in a naturally way. This information verifies how Colombians see the necessity of change their heathy habits, and that is the market that we want to achieve, this shows a better in the heathy industry and it look to rise in the next years.






in the last survey made by Datexco El Tiempo, the 53% of Colombians believe that the country is going in a good way and is doing better every year, according to the same survey in November of 2014 the trust in the Santos government was 34%, which means that only the 34% of Colombians believed in the president and its government, in 2015 it was different, the 47% of Colombians believed in the president and the trust in the “tratado de  paz” increased in 49% of the population, this is good for every industry because is the people is trusting in their politicians which are the ones that regulates the country, they will be more comfortable with the companies and industry of our country.




 in Colombia the attitude toward work have changed and in the last study made by Amway associated with the university of Munich and GJK, Colombia obtained the fourth place in the list of the of countries with more entrepreneurship, which means that people are studying and gaining more education, this is good, in some way, for our industry because we can offer to our clients people with expertise and knowledge, but in the other hand will be more competitiveness because of the entrepreneurs in the industry. 






According to a study of the gender index, in Colombia women and men are protected by the government allowing them to work in an equal form, but according to the study in terms of access to financial service men are most likely to have an account in a formal financial institution, with a 35.9% against women with only 25.4%. In Colombia the problems of violence against women and discrimination in jobs are still the same, Colombia occupies the place 91st out 186th countries in the gender inequality index, below the rate of Latin America and countries such as Oman and Libya, the political system and society is male dominated, Colombia ranks 106th out of 187th countries according to the Inter-parliament Union. We should make our organization a place free of these discriminations, to make an interesting place for our employees. 

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Law 975 of 2001 established the" National Afro-Colombian Day ", which is held every May 21 to commemorate the abolition of slavery on that date in 1851. This commemoration indicates that Colombia is a respectful racial democracy, unlike shortly discriminatory and appreciates the contribution of Afro our nationality"[3]. But the truth as in most countries is that even though the country is under a constitutional framework, some people continue to diminish African American race and treating her to become invisible, "One Afro-American in five Colombians entering the higher education level , according to a study by the Mission Social Mobility and Equity"[4].


[3] Elespectadorcom. (2013). ElEspectador. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from 


[4] Semanacom. (2013). Semanacom. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from




In Colombia education is defined as a process of lifelong learning, cultural and social personnel are based on a comprehensive conception of the human person, their dignity, their rights and their duties”[7]. According to assessments made by the Synthetic Index of Educational Quality (Isce), which measures indicators such as improved performance and testing Saber, repetition rate and school environment, “Colombia is as follows: Primary 5.13; secondary, 4.9, and average 5.53. Minister for Education, Gina Parody, and the results reflect the educational gap by which it crosses the country, particularly in the Caribbean and the Amazon”[8]. Investing in education and youth now can define the future of a nation. In Colombia, young people represent almost 30% of the working age population – a huge potential and opportunity for the country’s development[9]. 

-Only 37.2% of young Colombians continued their studies or training after high school in 2010. 

-The Government’s goal is that half of young Colombians continue their education after high school by 2014. 

-A Colombian with a bachelor’s degree earns about 3.5 times more than one with only a high school certificate[10].


[7] Mineducaciongovco. (2016). Mineducaciongovco. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from 


[8] Casa editorial el tiempo. (2015). El Tiempo. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from 


[9]Worldbankorg. (2013). World Bank. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from 


[10] Worldbankorg. (2013). World Bank. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from




The retirement from active or working life, by a person who for reasons of age or impediments were not able to work. In Colombia from the first of January 2014 the age for access to old-age pension will increase two years, which means that the age for women to 57 years will pass and 62 years for men. from last year's 25 weeks 2015 also require to retire; that is must prove 1275 weeks of contribution and in 2015, 1,300 weeks, which will be the ceiling for the scheme Media Prima, which today manages Colpensiones[13]. 

in Colombia as part of this population, only 25 percent throughout the country have pension coverage, ie, about 1.2 million retirees. This is worrisome because then eight out of ten elderly have no pension in Colombia. 22% live in poverty[14]. 

In relation to the subject no great relevance to this, as for industry and organization income will be equal, which would vary a bit is in terms of tastes in food for people elderly in the community where the organization will be established.


[13] Dinerocom. (2016). Dinerocom. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from 


[14] Casa editorial el tiempo. (2016). El Tiempo. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from






The main company in charge of energy in Bogotá is Empresa de Energía de Bogotá. They seek to have a sustainable energy, as it could be inferred in  its vision statement that ‘the increase in carbon emissions, high degradation of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity are all factors that increase the vulnerability of economies as well as our own welfare.  According to the program of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), a green economy seeks human well-being and social equity, and reducing environmental risks. Given the various crises currently facing the world, emerging new opportunities to create jobs, generate economic development, reduce poverty and at the same time mitigating the risks of climate change and environmental degradation. 

A green economy should include the interdependence between the different dimensions of sustainable development, not only focusing on solving environmental problems but also ensuring intergenerational equity.’ 

By trying to have a sustainable energy development, it is implied that they are looking to conserve the energy sources and the energy processed of it.  




In Colombia the Catholic faith has deep cultural roots since the Spanish conquest; it is not uncommon to see the main parties and congregations held in honor of saints and religious figures.  

Bogotá, like most Colombian cities and towns, developed around churches and plazas. According to a census conducted by the Ministry of Planning, the city has 1,544 churches and places of worship. 




Social responsibility within institutions not only seeks to obtain positive results in public administration, it should also take into account how they are achieved. 

1.       Zona Franca Bogotá: social responsibility is also strict compliance with its legal obligations, the voluntary integration in its management, in its policies and procedures for ethical environmental culture, industrial concerns, and respect for human rights and the consequences of taking responsibility and impacts arising from their actions.   

2.Corferias: Corferias has focused on two CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) perspectives: 

a.Social Perspective: it is very important to maintain good relationships with its stakeholders. To achieve this, they work in programs and actions to promote the fulfillment of their needs and expectations. 

b.Environmental Perspective: they work to improve processes and services under the ongoing commitment of the preservation and care of the environment. 

3.  Acueducto:  ‘as a sign of our commitment to the Millennium Development Goals and Principles of the Global Pact, and under the new District Development Plan Bogotá Humana, we take action to strengthen and realize two fundamental concepts: (1) Water as a fundamental right and (2) water as a hub for regional planning.’ This is what Acueducto states as part of their CSR, additionally, they state that the company agrees to provide the services of water and sewage under oriented approach to water management, in order to strengthen the sustainability of water resources and reduce the vulnerability of populations to climate change. 

4. Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano: through their CSR, they look forward to the comfort and education of their students’ community. 











































































1.Porvenir: they are highly involved with a sports CSR in Bogotá through: 

a.International Marathon of Bogo


b.Bogotá’s Bikeway 

c.Athletes with Porvenir 

2. Homecenter: their CSR program consists of three axis: economic, social and environmental. 
















The last population census was made in the year 2005; however, the next census is going to be done in 2016. The data found in official data bases like DANE is from 2005, and the most recent data is from the CIA or projections.
















According to the CIA statistics, Colombia's total population by the year 2015 was of 46'736782.









































As of the level of affluence for the year 2015 was of -0.64 migrant(s)/1,000 population






Overall, during the past two years, Colombians have been almost forced to make a change in the consumption of goods, due to the devaluation of the Colombian peso against the dollar. Which leads to imported goods will cost more, and for this reason people choose to purchase and use of domestic products.  


On the other hand, one of the factors that have been most affected is the food, according to some studies percentage belonged to this group of goods, acquired recreation, transportation, education and technology.




implicitly the chart below shows the percentage of graduates each year according to the type of education (bachelor, superior, technicians, academics and postgraduate), and how each group can get a job by their level of you can see higher education equivalent to a lower percentage.



















PEA: economically active population (poblacion economicamente activa) 

the chart shows the total number of graduates in recent years at each level of education except from high school. 


Ministry of Education data show that from 2011 to 2014 the number graduates in undergraduate and postgraduate been oscillating between the same range of 108,000 to 112,000















The following chart shows the number of tons per year that are available in the Doña Juana landfill in Bogotá .The figures presented correspond to tons from regular cleaning service
















from 2011 to 2014 the amount of waste that is found in the Rio Bogota after having made a cleansing, has decreased significantly, which is quite positive, since light can penetrate the water, allowing the natural activity the river, generating more oxygen.











according to the regional observatory environmental and sustainable development of the Bogota River, the percentage of the risk of water quality for human consumption has declined and has remained below the limit is equal to 5%















There are currently 1203 threatened species, 407 animals and 796 plants. The species that are critically endangered are the condor, Andean bear or spectacled bear, manatee, tapir, among others. the main reasons is due to illegal trafficking, introduction of exotic species, habitat conversion and drastic climate change that has occurred in Colombia and throughout the world. 



A Group of Interest, or Stakeholder like names in English, is constituted by persons, organized or not, that have an interest in the company, which they can demand something of her, or that can turn affected by his acts or omissions.















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“Between January and May, 2015 7.721 divorces registered in the country, which represents an increase of 11,22 per cent with regard to the same period previous year, in which they presented 6.942 acts.” Magazine El Tiempo said.

















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This variable gives the average annual number of deaths for one year for every 1000 inhabitants, also known as brute rate of mortality. The rate of mortality, in spite of being only an approximate indicator of the situation of mortality in a country, indicates accurately the current impact of mortality in the growth of the population.






















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Those are some of the social security programs from the actual government in Colombia:

  • Promotion of the equity and Reduction of the Poverty

  • Network Joined for the Overcoming of the Extreme Poverty

  •  Strategy for the Attention of the First Infancy - "de cero a siempre"

  •  Aims of Development of the Millenium-ODM Food Security and Nutritional

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The revenue per capita is a calculation that is realized to determine the revenue that receives, in average, each of the inhabitants of a country; it is to say, in average, how much is the revenue that a person receives to survive. This calculation is obtained dividing the national revenue between the total population of a country.
















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Nowadays is much easier to acquire a car for all social classes, the number of bought cars in Bogota is increasing, and the infrastructure of the vies is not the best for holding the 700.000 cars that drive by the city daily, and as consequence for one Bogotá citizen the way back home from work takes around 1:30, according to El Tiempo, the speed average is almost 20km/h, and if there are no investment in infrastructure is going to be slower, according to this information the traffic is a major inconvenience for all the industries in Bogota, so is necessary for us to find a good place where people can get easily and faster, in order to make our firm more competitive in the healthy industry​


15.The inner-city enviroment


There are 5.600 neighborhoods in Bogota and according to a survey in 200 of them the crime rate is really low, the most exclusive sectors in Bogota are Cerros de santa barbara, Chico, Usaquen and the north of the city, our company is not established in a local, so we do not have to look for an exclusive place or the most secure sector, but we have to approach in those sector where the people spend more in this kind of services, and promote our service in these places of the city.  


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 Average disposable income: The average disposable income per household in Colombia for 2015 was about 40.726.839 COP and increasing, which means that people is earning more and according to the Colombians buying habits they are spending more and more in healthy lifestyle such as organic food, nutritional counseling and sports, and for the next years it is going to be higher according to the forecast. 


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in the last survey made by Datexco El Tiempo, the 53% of Colombians believe that the country is going in a good way and is doing better every year, according to the same survey in November of 2014 the trust in the Santos government was 34%, which means that only the 34% of Colombians believed in the president and its government, in 2015 it was different, the 47% of Colombians believed in the president and the trust in the “tratado de  paz” increased in 49% of the population, this is good for every industry because is the people is trusting in their politicians which are the ones that regulates the country, they will be more comfortable with the companies and industry of our country.  


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in our industry it has increased, every year more and more people are starting to spend more on recreational equipment such as sports, gymnastics, etc. this is really good for us, because we are investing in an industry that is gaining more consumers and is stronger every year.

























according to euromonitor, people is saving more money the year 2014 the saving ratio was 8.1, but for 2015 the increase was only one point, the matter that people is saving just the 8.2% of their salaries, show us that they are still spending a good quantity, for our industry is really important that Colombians have no problems spending their money, because our business is in part necessary and an added in the lifestyle; from our point of view we should start to save part of our incomes in order to reinvest the money in our company for make it more attractive to consumers.





















Colombia is an attractive country for investment for various reasons, and "that Colombia is a growing market that has managed to overcome the turmoil or external, which has allowed it to grow at a rate of between 4% and 5%,"[1] plus the process of the search for the end of the conflict and the change that is being generated in the infrastructure among others, generate that this country is a good place to invest. United States ranked as the top investor in Colombia with a share of over 17%. 

"A favorable business environment, qualified human talent, ideal for export support, incentives and quality of life are among the aspects that put Colombia on the radar of foreign investors"[2]. Procolombia mentioned about investment in the same country.


[1] El pais sa. (2015). Elpaiscomco. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from 


[2] Procolombiaco. (2016). Procolombiaco. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from




Colombia takes place as a country with a good average in terms of birth control, as the factor of a teen pregnancy becomes a socio-economic problem and an obstacle to personal development. “Colombia is an example for Latin America in the knowledge and use of contraception country. Knowledge of methods is universal, in all socioeconomic strata, both rural and urban areas, and 73% of women aged 15 to 49 use modern preservatives”[5]. Colombia also has an organization that promotes free sexual development and family planning, pro-family "a private nonprofit organization that promotes respect and exercise of sexual and reproductive rights of all people"[6], this in order to promote and defend the exercise of sexual and reproductive rights for citizens to enjoy a healthy and satisfying sexual life, free of discrimination, coercion and violence, and so they can take to make free and informed decisions about their reproductive life.

[5] Nacionesunidasorgco. (2012). Nacionesunidasorgco. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from 


[6] Profamiliaorgco. (2016). Profamilia - Entidad privada sin ánimo de lucro especializada en salud sexual y salud reproductiva que ofrece servicios médicos, educación y venta de productos a la población colombiana. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from





In Colombia the government regulations are laws and rules which are present in many aspects of public life and are implemented to protect the public good, as the safe consumption of food or good use of public services. The Government of Colombia has particularly placed emphasis on Simplifying business formalities and Affecting Citizens. In addition, a number of Initiatives Have Been Launched to make the administration more transparent and accountable vis-à-vis Citizens. However, after several years in place, this approach needs to be re-shaped in order to go deeper into the background of legal regulations[11]. In the last two reports of the World Bank Doing Business, which assesses the impact of government regulations in the vicinity of business, Colombia results have been satisfactory. For the second consecutive year, the country was among the 10 nations of the world made more reforms to improve the business environment, and advanced 30 places between 2012 and 20014, to be located in the position 53 among 181 economies evaluated[12]. It is highly relevant this factor because as mentioned, these laws provide guidelines to form what will my organization.


[11] Oecdorg. (2015). Oecdorg. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from 


[12] Portafolioco. (2015). Portafoliocomco. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from




Social time is the form of existence of the fundamental materials phenomena in society that are necessary consequent changing socio formations condition for development - economic and natural historical process[15]. The average Colombian, says Dane, has between Monday and Friday 13 free hours and weekends four. Those who do not stay at home and decide to cultural events are more inclined fairs, craft shows and concerts, to the theater, dance and opera, but television remains the Queen. 96 percent of respondents between 12 and 65 say that the small screen is their favorite, compared with other options such as radio or recorded music[16].


[15] Redcreacionorg. (2015). Redcreacionorg. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from 


[16] Eltiempocom. (2014). Eltiempocom. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from




What makes the difference to a buyer's satisfaction that generated the attention to acquire that need, so it is a great bet to use this term in order to grow, Colombia going very well in this area, but this is an ongoing task. 

The free trade agreements and the entry of strong competitors with technology and products that meet the highest international quality standards forced the industry and commerce to catch up on topics such as customer service[17]. 

For the industry this is another factor highly relevant, because as was mentioned, the demands of customers are increasingly on the variety of products that exist and the user's need to receive a good deal with excellence as in product quality.

[17] Portafolioco. (2014). Portafoliocomco. Retrieved 15 February, 2016, from




Since 2009, attitudes and perception from Colombians towards foreign people has changed. Although it was a difficult task, because of the attitudes the Colombian chancellery took during the presidency of Mariano Ospina Pérez (1946-1950); it tried to change and be more ‘open’ with foreign people during the presidency of César Gaviria Trujillo (1990-1994) alongside Noemí Sanín, but this policy failed because of stiff opposition from middle management of the Colombian Foreign Ministry.  

Most have made contributions to worthy social causes such as the fight against poverty; they have also contributed to the development of education and science. In fact, foreigners have made significant contributions in various fields of human activity: enterprise development, sports, infrastructure and various manifestations of culture. But to come more is required, a thorough reform of the Foreign Ministry.




In Bogotá and in Cundinamarca, big companies such as Empresa de Energía de Bogotá, Grupo Energía de Bogotá, and ministries like the Mining and Energy Ministry, Bogotá’s Mayor, and YMCA Bogotá (to name a few) are in charge of social programs for the welfare of the youth, animals, environment, underprivileged people, and the welfare of the city and the small towns that surround it. 

1.       Vaccination campaigns for animals: Bogotá’s Mayoralty for 2015, had vaccination campaigns for rabies, for dogs all over the city, campaign they still do. 

2.       Hands to the Street, Transforming the City: a group of 300 young people from different programs of DIPCY (District Institute for the Protection of Children and Youth), met in Caracas Avenue between streets 13 and 19 to clear their sidewalks, walls and light posts. The merchants in the area also joined the work of the young boys from the Institute donating paint for the walls, that served to recover walls invaded with graffiti and advertising. The "Hands to the Street, Transforming the City" campaign will take several parts of Bogotá during the next few weeks to assist in the cleanup and recovery of public spaces. 

3.       Social Protection Center Popular Forest: this space serves 150 seniors, and has five slots in case some emergency situation arises in the city that needs attention there. In the older adults center they have all the infrastructure, food, care, and training they need. Currently the District has 17 Centers of Social Protection, 2 of which are operated directly by the Ministry of Social Integration and 15 outsourced. 

4.       All Against Waste: the Ministry of Mines and Energy recently developed a program called ‘All Against the Waste’, all because of the times of drought that the country is having at this moment. They are giving advice and tips in their web page on how to save energy. 

5.       Lane art: this initiative consist in informing and encouraging the communities, where the Bogotá Energy Group operates, on the conservation of natural resources and the importance of energy in the development of society. Through various art spaces as "Theatre of the Vereda", children learn rules about the care of the gas and electricity infrastructure and environmental protection. This work generates an ecological thinking and encourages the commitment that humans have with nature.  

6.       Category Inclusion: from 1 January of 2016 the Library Network of the Bank of the Republic puts service users to their new partnership categories. Among the new features is the "Category Inclusion", which can be $ 3,000 a year, enroll for people with visual or hearing disabilities, the elderly and Sisbén users. 




Currently the territory of the archdiocese comprises 14 localities of the 20 in the city of Bogotá and 11 municipalities in the department of Cundinamarca. Localities belonging to the archdiocese are Usaquén, Chapinero, Santa Fe, San Cristobal, Usme, Tunjuelito, Barrios Unidos, Teusaquillo, the Martyrs, Antonio Nariño, Aranda Bridge, La Candelaria, Rafael Uribe Uribe, Ciudad Bolivar and Sumapaz; also, it belongs a part of Suba. 

In late 2009 the territory of the archdiocese had a population of 4,319,000 people, of which 3,702,000 are Catholics, which corresponds to 85.7% of the total.



Today Bogotá is divided to civilian rule in 20 areas, called localities: 19 are urban and rural area is twenty. The Archdiocese of Bogotá correspond 14 of these localities, including rural. The remaining six locations conform the three Urban Diocese (Engativá, Fontibón and Soacha) created on August 6, 2003, that explains the wide gap between the 2002 and 2003 statistics difference. 

The most recent data found is from 2012, in which the number of Catholic Church members was of 4527000 millions of people of the 7571345 millions of habitants in Bogotá.


++Chart is displayed bellow





Many recent graduates go to college without having clarity about their true vocation. 

In fact, part of the 70% of students in the country enter college without adequate vocational guidance, they enroll the university because their friends study there, or because the parents told them what to study and they would not pay a different career, or maybe because the University "is beautiful", "has prestige" and a degree from it, "gets a good work." 

The attitudes towards careers are of confusion, indecision, deception and resignation. There is not much of an adequate vocational guidance, which leads to young students to be confused when trying to pick a career.




Colombians have no notion of the authority in the country, but also, the authority seems to be quite ‘sleepy’ when talking about obstruction of traffic, desperate travelers took airplanes to protest about delays and no authority appeared whatsoever. 

According to a Worldwide Study in Values, 70% of the Colombian population does not trust in the authority.   




Known as free time when people  feel the cessation of work or the complete omission of mandatory activity.  

The next chart shows the difference between 2011 and 2014 and the percentage of people who did not practice any physical activity. It is showing that few people choose to invest their free time on things that will help their wellness



















This is related to the lack of time available to the Bogota population, since being a big city traffic makes things worse, since it takes longer than required to move from one place to another, boring most citizens. Also the task of work and study does not allow it, which causes few take the initiative to engage in productive activities in their spare time. And, THEREFORE more sedentary lifestyle diseases are appearing on the citizens of Bogotá  


















Colombia in 2014 in the population of men was higher than women between 0 and 19 years old, however the male population exceeded the female from 20 year old and older. 
Bogota's population now increased to 7'794.463 7'451.231 inhabitants. even though in Bogotá the female population in general is higher than men, opposite happens in the age range between 0 and 19 , 238,018 and 229,372 men and women respectively. 

The chart below shows the national information of the Colombian population, and as mentioned above the female population 50.8% is equivalent to a little more than the male. 
However gender distribution had a significant change, since the sex ratio that reveals many are men per hundred women, remains almost equal to that of 2011, with a value between 93 and 94%






















Recycling is to treat or process (used or waste materials) so as to make suitable for reuse; to alter or adapt for new use without changing the essential form or nature. 

In Bogota recycling is part of the first 5 topics. One of the ways that the population cares for the environment, is through the separation of waste in different bags and taking out the recycling day that is, since there is a company in charge of collecting recyclables in the city . Other way is to use energy saving light bulbs, reducing plastic bags among others. 

Bogota has the Zero Waste program which has two main objectives: to raise awareness of citizenship of the importance of waste separation at source and recognize the importance of the work of recyclers 

It also has a program for the inclusion of recyclers, who are responsible for collecting the materials in the streets which are then taken to warehouses, and these people can get a payment. These wineries are responsible for selling materials to industry to be processed and used again







Information about laws taht protect the environment will be display below.






What is ozone layer?  

is a portion of the atmosphere containing ozone gas composed of three atoms of oxygen and existing in specific circumstances. The ozone layer is responsible for the protection of UV (ultraviolet) sunshine that the more exposed are humans the more risk of get skin diseases.


- Decree 596 of 2011 "by which the district environmental health policy for 2011-2023 is adopted Bogotá D.C." 


Environmental health management requires joint health sector with other actors, sectors and institutions that have the responsibility and power to act on environmental determinants partner and together ensure better quality of the environment and human beings, preventing the spread and generation of diseases.

That is why this decree of the lines of intervention is safe medicines, in which the integral management of medicines, medical devices and pharmaceuticals promotes safe and environmentally sound conditions. Besides strengthening the institutions responsible for the management of environmental health issues relating to drugs, medical devices and pharmaceutical products it is promoted. 


- On the other hand there are regulations and laws relating to waste PGIRS (plans for integrated solid waste management) by ensuring the continuous improvement of waste management and the provision of sanitation services at the municipal or regional level. This applies to ordinary solid recyclable and non-recyclable waste and construction and demolition waste. The PGIRS has inclusive recycling.


- In addition, the SIRHO has an information system (hospital waste) for which institutions have more control, monitor and cover this type of user, and also the use of paper will decrease. 


- Biosecurity is also a major issue in the health care industry, this is their definition: a set of rules and procedures ensuring control of risk factors for infection and prevention of adverse impacts; without adversely affecting the health of people who work and / or handling biological, biochemical and genetic elements. 


- Finally there is also the Balsiba Convention which is environmentally sound management of chemicals, taking control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. 


Previous laws, decrees, rules are considered for environmental care and avoid an increase in air pollution which together with other substances deteriorate the ozone layer, water pollution, and protection of fauna and flora. In short, what is mentioned in the waste management and how they have to go through a process of recycling and disposal also looking after the health of the Bogota population. 



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