A vision is an aspiration of what an organization wants to achieve or become in the future. It can help an organization communicate its goals to the shareholders and stakeholders groups, our vision is "to be the first choice in sports and nutrition counseling (2), in a personalised (7) way, for college students in Bogotá (1 and 3)."
Evaluation matrix of vision statement

Customers: college students in Bogotá. We want to create a value proposition for our customers in order to take advantage of the word-of-mouth potential, all this by giving them a high quality service that will encourage them to talk about the service.
Products or services: sports and nutrition counseling. With the knowledge and expertise of our employees our service is created to be specific on the requirements of the customers, for be the first choice of our target is necessary to keep improving our service for make it the best.
Markets: Bogotá.
Technology: our company does not requires much technology.
Concern for survival, growth, and profitability: we as a company also want to grow, b ut we are more focused on client satisfaction.
Philosophy: we aspire to accomplish our vision with the same values mentioned on the mission.
Self-concept: counseling in sports and nutrition in a personalised way.
Concern for public image: we still want to help the community (college students of Bogotá) to have a healthier life.
Concern for employees: we believe our company brings a great opportunity for our employees by helping us (and them) grow.